Preparative-scale HPLC chromatography plays an essential role in applications where compounds need to be synthesized, identified, isolated, purified, characterized, screened and tested. The semi-Prep purification system (Waters) is fully automated and driven by a UV detection system (2 simultaneous wavelengths).
UPLC/MS UPLC (Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography) coupled with a 3100 mass spectrometer (Waters)
Acquity The ACQUITY UPLC system significantly reduces the time and cost required to analyze a sample, while guaranteeing higher quality results.
UPLC technology is extremely robust, reliable and reproducible. What sets the ACQUITY UPLC system apart from other approaches is its use of hybrid particles smaller than 2 μm, which offers significant advantages over HPLC systems equipped with standard 5-10 μm particle size columns.
The ACQUITY UPLC system is coupled to a TUV detector and a single quadrupole electrospray ionization mass spectrometer. The system provides unique, complete solutions for all fields and applications, including: food safety, bioanalysis, clinical studies, metabolite identification, method development, open access and routine analysis.
Combiflash EZ Prep (Teledyne Isco)
Combiflash Teledyne ISCO's CombiFlash EZ Prep system is a dual-function purification system: one that allows the user to perform both Flash and Prep purifications on the same instrument.
Eliminating the need for two separate systems, the EZ Prep system offers the flexibility to switch easily between Flash and HPLC Prep modes, without compromising performance. A UV detector and a DEDL detector are coupled to this system.